No, we do not provide participants with feedback from their study visits or results to brain challenges, at this time. The brain challenges are not diagnostic assessments and therefore should not be used as the basis of any medical decisions.
Articles in this section
- How can I return to the BHR portal to complete tasks?
- I am busy, on vacation, traveling, or don’t have access to a computer. What should I do if I am not able to complete my study visit at this time?
- What is expected of me?
- I cannot complete certain study tasks because of a disability or medical condition. Can I continue to participate in the Brain Health Registry?
- How much time does it take to participate? How often will I need to come back to complete online tasks?
- I don’t know how to use computers and/or I struggle with technology. Can I have someone assist me in completing study tasks in the Brain Health Registry?
- Will I be paid or is there a cost to join the Brain Health Registry?
- I am worried that I didn’t do my best on a Brain Challenge. Can I take the challenge again?
- Will I get feedback from my questionnaires or results from my brain challenges?
- I have a question about a medical issue. Does the Brain Health Registry provide any healthcare services?
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