We encourage you to try the following suggestions:
- Please click on the "Help" button on the right side of the screen, then you may click on the link that reads “I don’t see any questions,” and this may open the page in a new window and resolve the issue
- Reload the page
- For a Mac computer or laptop, pressing "Command R” on the keyboard
- For Windows, click the circular arrow at the top left of browser window
- Try clearing the cache and cookies on the browser
- Try opening an incognito/private browsing tab on the browser
- Try logging in to your account using a different browser (e.g. Microsoft Edge or Safari)
- If these steps do not work, please try to connect from a different network (such as at a cafe or friend's house)
Of course, if you are unable to take, or decide to not to complete the study tasks at this time, that’s okay. Please feel free to opt out of any study tasks that you do not feel you are able to complete. Once you start a study task, you will have the option to click on one of the links that reads, “I can’t do this task” or “I don’t want to do this task”. If you do not feel you are able to complete a task, simply click on one of these and the task will end.
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